I have been thinking a lot about the new trend of so many housewives and others attending art classes, sometimes offered by an obscure "artists" or "art teachers" no one really knows or who has never exhibited in a gallery themselves or with no training to speak of. Art classes seem to be offered in every little dorpie, town and city all over South Africa. Is this trend hurting galleries or does it not influence the sales of art? Remember, I am not talking about costly investment art being affected.
So many people are creating their own "art" and hang these creations in their homes, or give their efforts to their children, family and friends who don't want to dishearten them, and then hang the creations in their homes.
Another trend possibly affecting the sales in galleries, is the printing of pictures and photographs on canvas. You see these printing places in all the malls, centre courts and on the Internet. It appears to me that the ordinary person in the street would rather print a photograph of his child or family on canvas and hang that on his wall, than buy a painting.
I would love to hear what you think. Am I right in making these assumptions?
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